Find an expert to help you

Peter   Humby

Peter Humby


Jonathan   Israel

Jonathan Israel


Richard  Jaszek

Richard Jaszek

Managing Associate

Alícia João

Alícia João

Technical Assistant

Gary  Johnston

Gary Johnston


Daniel Johnston

Daniel Johnston

Technical Assistant

Dani  Kramer

Dani Kramer


Elliot Krishek

Elliot Krishek

Technical Assistant

Sean  Leach

Sean Leach


Rogen Leung

Rogen Leung


Sarah Linnett

Sarah Linnett


Ashley Low

Ashley Low

Trade Mark Legal Assistant

Alan  MacDougall

Alan MacDougall


Craig MacGregor-Chatwin

Craig MacGregor-Chatwin

Technical Assistant

Martin  MacLean

Martin MacLean


Peter  Mansfield

Peter Mansfield

Of Counsel

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Nike leads way in footwear patent filings as manufacturers compete in ‘running shoe arms race’

Commentary by Partner Rebecca Tew and Managing Associate Adam Gilbertson has been featured in The World Intellectual Property Review and The Patent Lawyer Magazine as they discuss the rise in global… read more…

2024 at Mathys & Squire

As we draw to the end of another successful working year at Mathys & Squire, it is appropriate to take stock of our achievements throughout 2024 It is a privilege to work with some of the… read more…

How AI is Shaping the Future of Stroke Treatment in the UK

In the UK, it is estimated that 100,000 people suffer from strokes each year, equivalent to one stroke every five minutes Research from the NHS demonstrates the life-changing aftermath they can… read more…