Mathys & Squire is one of Europe’s most highly regarded intellectual property (IP) law firms. Founded in 1910, we have over 100 years of experience in the protection and commercialisation of intellectual property rights, leading the field with insight, innovation and quality. We have built up a number of significant international IP portfolios covering a wide range of jurisdictions, and have therefore acquired an intimate knowledge of the unique variations in local practice. Owing to our expertise in international IP protection, we are often instructed by large multinational companies specifically to handle large overseas filing programmes.
麦斯哲知识产权成立于1910年,现今已是英国最顶尖的专利和商标律师事务所之一。我们工作涉及的技术领域包括电子电器,通讯,计算机与信息技术,物理,机械, 化学, 生命科学和医药等。我们的律师与代理人团队结合技术知识、专业的法律技能和商业意识,帮助客户实现创新收益的最大化,并最大程度地降低创新产品上市的市场竞争风险。我们从无形资产——技术创新、品牌、醒目的产品和秘密工艺——中创造有意义的商业资产,这让我们引以为豪。
当法律事務所は、技術的専門知識や法律的専門技能を商業上の認知度と結び付けることによって、顧客が技術革新から得るリターンを最大化し、その技術 革新を市場化する際のリスクは最小化するように支援してまいりました。当社の誇りは、無形のもの、すなわち技術革新、ブランド、目を引く製品、機密のプロ セスから重要な事業資産を創造していることです。
1910년에 설립된 마씨스 앤 스콰이어 (Mathys & Squire)는 그동안 거듭되는 발전을 통해, 현재 영국을 대표하는 특허 및 상표 법률사무소의 하나로 성장했습니다.
기술적 노하우, 전문적인 법리 능력 및 상업적 지식을 바탕으로 한 저희 사무소의 변호사들은 신기술, 신개념의 창출에서 얻어지는 고객의 이익은 극대화하는 반면, 이러한 신기술, 신개념의 시장 진출이 지니는 위험성은 최소화하고자 노력합니다. 또, 기술 혁신, 브랜드, 이목을 끄는 상품 및 비밀 공정과 같은 무형적인 것들로부터 의미있는 사업적 자산을 창출하는 일에 긍지를 갖고 임하고 있습니다.
Working with a number of direct clients and Israeli attorney firms, Mathys & Squire created our dedicated Israel team in 2011. Headed up by Dani Kramer, a partner in our London office, our Israel team has an excellent reputation of representing Israeli companies, individuals and attorneys in their European patent and trade mark work.
Our clients expect more than just expert advice. Our commercial focus and collaborative approach allows us to really help our clients maximise the value of their intellectual property. We empower our teams to go above and beyond what clients expect when it comes to service delivery.