UPC News

Recent UPC News

Unified Patent Court captures 15% of European patent litigation but still far from being primary European patent court

Commentary by Partner Nicholas Fox has been featured in Law Society Gazette, Law Society of Ireland Gazette, World IP Review, Life Sciences Intellectual Property Review, The Canadian Lawyer and The… read more…

Update on Mathys & Squire test case in support of open justice

Mathys & Squire filed a test case to secure public access to evidence in the Unified Patent Court (UPC) at the end of November 2023 That case was stayed, pending the UPC Court of Appeal’s… read more…

UPC releases pleadings to the public, but questions remain

Commentary by Partner Nicholas Fox has been featured in  Law360 and World IP Review giving an insight into the implications of the Court of Appeal’s ruling that a member of the public can have… read more…

How do opposition rates impact opt-outs?

By default, European patents granted by the European Patent Office (EPO) in effect in countries participating in the Unified Patent Court (UPC) are subject to the jurisdiction of that Court However,… read more…

Court hearing on public access to evidence in Unified Patent Court to be held in February 2024

The outcome of the test case filed by Mathys & Squire to secure public access to evidence in the Unified Patent Court (UPC) is expected early in 2024 Commentary provided by Mathys & Squire… read more…

Mathys & Squire files UPC test case in support of open justice

Mathys & Squire has filed a test case to secure public access to evidence in the Unified Patent Court (UPC) Commentary provided by Mathys & Squire has been featured in Commercial Dispute… read more…

Surge in AI legal cases as companies urgently await clarity on copyright issues

Data and commentary provided by Mathys & Squire has featured in an article by The Trademark Lawyer and Solicitors Journal, giving an insight into the issues that companies face amidst the recent… read more…

100 days on from launch of Europe’s new patent courts system

Data and commentary provided by Mathys & Squire has featured in an article by The Patent Lawyer and Solicitors Journal, giving an insight into the system’s growth since its introduction An… read more…

Milan officially confirmed as host city for third branch of UPC Central Division

According to an announcement this week from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, agreement has officially been reached to situate a third branch of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) Central… read more…

The official launch of the Unified Patent Court and the Unitary Patent system

Today, 1 June 2023, marks the launch of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) and the Unitary Patent (UP) system after many years of preparation by the European Union and its members As of today, the UPC… read more…

Unified Patent Court confirms allocation of cases in IPC sections A and C between Paris and Munich

As the Unified Patent Court (UPC) launch date approaches, the question on everyone’s mind regarding the placement of the third branch of the central division has finally been answered Following… read more…

The Unified Patent Court: five reasons to factor the UPC into your patent strategy

The start date for the Unified Patent Court (UPC) will be 1 June 2023 This will also be the date on which the Unitary Patent (UP) system comes into effect  Thus, many patent holders are currently… read more…

Germany gives go ahead for Unified Patent Court – signalling long-awaited start of new EU patents system

Germany has finalised its approval of the Unified Patent Court (UPC), opening the UPC’s case management system and kicking off the court’s sunrise period from 1 March The start date for the UPC… read more…

New Unified Patent Court may tilt playing field in favour of ‘patent trolls’

Commentary provided by Mathys & Squire has featured in an article by The Patent Lawyer, providing an update on the UPC and ‘patent trolls’ An extended version of the press release is… read more…

Supplementary protection certificates: ambiguity over the Unified Patent Court’s jurisdiction and opt-outs

The Unified Patent Court (UPC) – which is expected to launch in April 2023 – will have jurisdiction not only for patent litigation, but also for litigation involving supplementary protection… read more…

Unitary patent and national prior rights – wider geographical limitation of protection

The unitary effect and the Unified Patent Court (UPC) system comes with a wider aspect as to validity against national prior rights (national applications with an earlier priority date but a… read more…

Unified Patent Court confirms panel of 85 judges is now in place

Data and commentary provided by Mathys & Squire, as published in Legal Week, provides an update on the appointment of Unified Patent Court judges An extended version of the press release is… read more…

The Unitary Patent: Possible options ahead of the EPO’s transitional measures

Although the Unified Patent Court (UPC) is anticipated to open its doors around March 2023 and European patent holders and applicants are busy reviewing their European patent portfolios to decide… read more…

Unified Patent Court begins to appoint judges in major step forward for single IP enforcement system

Data provided by Mathys & Squire has featured in articles by City AM  and The Patent Lawyer providing an update on the launch of the Unified Patent Court An extended version of… read more…

UPC representation rights for European patent attorneys

The final version of the Rules on Representation before the UPC has now been published, and we are pleased to confirm that all our UK, French and German attorneys will be able to represent our… read more…

UPC newsflash: EPO announces two transitional measures to enable early uptake of Unitary Patent

The European Patent Office (EPO) has announced the introduction of transitional measures to encourage applicants towards an early uptake of the Unitary Patent effect Details can be found here, but… read more…

The Unitary Patent approaches the finish line: What’s next for patent owners?

Good things come to those who wait After years of seemingly little to no progress and challenging negotiations, and with the Unitary Patent (UP) being on the verge of introduction several times, the… read more…

Federal Constitutional Court clears the way for the UPC

Following delays throughout 2020 (see previous article here), on Friday 9 July 2021, the Federal Constitutional Court ruled on two urgent applications against the ratification of the Unified Patent… read more…

Unified Patent Court faces further delays

At the end of 2020 the German parliament passed (for the second time) the legislation necessary for Germany to ratify the Unified Patent Court Agreement (UPCA) This followed a ruling earlier in 2020… read more…

Latest developments on the unitary patent system

Background The efforts to create a unified patent system in Europe are now well advanced The agreement on a unified European Patent Court has been coordinated at European level and is now… read more…

The UPC: a model for a new UK/EU court system?

Mathys & Squire Partner and patent attorney, Caroline Warren, explores whether the Unified Patent Court (UPC) changes the landscape for court structures in the UK and EU Unified Patent Court:… read more…

AfD challenges to the UPC Agreement

The acts that passed through the German Parliament to enable ratification of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) Agreement are now being challenged by the opposition party, Alternative für Deutschland… read more…

House of Commons approves draft UPC legislation

The UK Parliament has advised that the House of Commons approved the draft Unified Patent Court (Immunities and Privileges) Order 2017 yesterday This draft Order must also be approved… read more…

Further delays likely for start date of the UPC

It has been 40 years in the making and it was widely considered that the Unified Patent Court Agreement (UPCA), which builds on the success of the established European Patent Organisation and aims to… read more…