World Trademark Review has featured Mathys & Squire in its latest edition of the WTR 1000 directory, highlighting the firm’s “professional, responsive and wide-ranging service” and its ‘unimpeachable record in protecting and enforcing the cornerstone brands of top UK and international companies’. Trade mark partners Margaret Arnott and Gary Johnston have also maintained their statuses as recommended individuals in the 2021 directory.Now in its eleventh year, the WTR 1000 shines a spotlight on the firms and individuals that are deemed outstanding in this critical area of trade mark practice. The WTR 1000 remains the only standalone publication to recommend individual practitioners and their firms exclusively in the trade mark field, and identifies the leading players in over 80 key jurisdictions globally. Mathys & Squire has been recommended for its outstanding work in the trade mark field, specifically in the ‘United Kingdom: England’ jurisdiction, under the ‘Firms: trade mark attorneys’ category.In this latest edition, published on 15 February 2021, partners Margaret Arnott (recommended in the categories of ‘Enforcement & Litigation’ and ‘Prosecution & Strategy’), and Gary Johnston (recommended in the category of ‘Prosecution & Strategy’), who co-head the Mathys & Squire trade mark team, have received the following feedback:‘Praised to the rafters, Arnott is a 20-year partner at the firm with “profound knowledge of the trademarking process and the ability to lead negotiations effortlessly”. “She sets a benchmark for the IP legal world that is difficult to beat.” Arnott has a commercial solicitor background and is well placed for contentious combat – an important component of her sophisticated, broad-based trademark practice.’‘Johnston is a “good strategist and clear thinker who keeps his eye trained on commercial realities”. “He’s hugely knowledgeable, proactive and great fun to work with.” Prosecution and anti-counterfeiting sage Johnston has a global sphere of influence: he undertakes challenging tasks for The Cotswolds Distilling Company and has enjoyed protection success in Europe and the United States, with filings pending in China too.’For more information and to see the full WTR 1000 rankings, please click here.