The EPO has again topped the rankings of the world’s five largest patent offices by users for the quality of its patents and services in Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) Magazine’s 2018 survey.
In contrast, the U.S. patent system has fallen to 12th place in the US Chamber of Commerce’s Global IP Index for 2018, continuing a six-year downward trend in its patent ranking, which the US Chamber has attributed to a patent system that currently creates “considerable uncertainty for innovators”.
Click the image below to read Michael Stott and Sean Leach’s whistle-stop tour of the approaches taken to patent eligible subject-matter requirements at the EPO and USPTO plus considerations, from the European perspective, as to whether there are any signs of increasing convergence in the European and US approaches.
This article was first published in The Patent Lawyer Magazine. To read an online version, please click here,
To discuss eligibility examination in more detail, please contact Michael Stott – [email protected] or Sean Leach – [email protected].