26 July 2024

UKIPO Launches Standards Essential Patents Resource Hub

As we reported on in 2022, the UKIPO has been working with stakeholders to assist in the challenges faced by industry with respect to standards essential patents (SEPs). This work has resulted in the recent launch of the UKIPO’s “SEPs Resource Hub”.

As many readers will be aware, patents which protect a technology which are deemed essential to implementing a technical standard are known as SEPs. Such technical standards set out how devices interact with each other, such as cellular communication devices which operate in accordance with wireless communication standards (e.g. 3GPP). Use of these standards enable devices to seamlessly communicate with one another, wherever they are located in the world, as long as they are using (and hence implement) the same technical standards.

The SEPs Resource Hub (Hub) seeks to provide a one-stop repository of guidance and signposting for UK businesses as they interact with technical standards and standard setting organisations, enter negotiations in respect of SEPs, as well as matters relating to dispute resolution in the context of SEPs. Having such a Hub will assist businesses to better understand and traverse the often-complex world of SEPs.

The Hub also provides a very useful summary of UK SEPs Case Law, a glossary of SEP related terms, and international SEPs-specific resources. The IPO have noted that the Hub will continue to be updated and evolve over time.