We are delighted to announce that we have successfully passed the ISO 9001 & 14001 audit for the 8th year.
ISO certifications are led by the British Assessment Bureau in order to assess and examine businesses, showcasing their dedication to excellence in work processes and management systems.
Our first certification, Quality Assurance (ISO 9001), demonstrates how the firm meets the globally recognised standards, showing our commitment in providing a high level of customer service, delivering consistent performance and continuously improving.
The second certification, Environmental Management (ISO 14001), recognises our commitment to improving environmental performance through efficient use of resources and reduction of waste. From this, it is clear we are taking meaningful steps forward to reducing our carbon footprint.
We are proud to be an environmentally aware firm, and are pleased to be able to formalise our progress and gain recognition for our commitment to delivering a first-class service to our clients.
To find out more about ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 click here.