Rebecca Bennett
Trainee Patent Attorney
Bsc, PhD
Trainee Patent Attorney
Bsc, PhD
Rebecca joined Mathys & Squire in 2022 after receiving a first class degree and PhD in microbial genomics from the University of Liverpool. She is a Technical Assistant in the firm’s life sciences team based in the Manchester office.
Rebecca’s scientific background is within microbial genomics but she also has a great scientific understanding of genetics, bioinformatics, functional microbiology, immunology, disease and infection. She is currently learning and developing her practical approach to intellectual property.
Rebecca achieved a first class BSc Hons degree in microbiology and a PhD specialising in microbial genomics from the University of Liverpool. Her PhD focused on elucidating key factors which have contributed to the success of Shigella species as a pathogen over the past 100 years.
Memberships & organisations
Rebecca is a student member of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) and European Patent Office (EPO).