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UAE trade mark application costs set to double from 29 May 2015

Trading, planning on trading, or manufacturing in the UAE Protect your mark now The UAE is already a notoriously expensive country in which to pursue protection and it has now been brought to our… read more…

Filing a Community Design Application

A Community design application can be filed with a valid priority claim at a national Patent Office, when the deadline falls on a closed day at said national Patent Office The design in suit had a… read more…

OAPI Joins Madrid Protocol System

The number of countries now party to the Madrid Protocol system for the protection of trade marks internationally breaks the 100 mark! The OAPI became the 93rd Member and will accede to the… read more…

Validation of European Patents in Morocco

The EPO has announced that from 1 March 2015 it will be possible to validate European patents in Morocco, bringing the potential country coverage of a European patent to 41 countries Any European… read more…

Israel signs up for fast-track patent examination with the EPO

A Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot programme has just been signed between the European Patent Office (EPO) and the Israel Patent Office allowing accelerated treatment of patent applications… read more…

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